

Coastal dune habitats, sublittoral sandbanks, marine reefs: conservation, protection, and threats mitigation

LIFE CALLIOPE is a project co-funded by the European Union under the LIFE + program to protect and improve coastal and marine environments.

The LIFE + program is the European Commission’s financial instrument for environmental and nature protection projects. 

The ‘Nature & Biodiversity’ component is aimed at the conservation of rare and threatened species and habitats in Europe belonging to the Natura 2000 Network, the network of protected areas that extends across all EU countries, protecting approximately 27,000 terrestrial and marine sites.

Main data of the project

  • Name:   LIFE17 NAT / IT / 000565 CALLIOPE
  • The project has a duration of:   5 years
  • Project start:   September 2018
  • End of the project:   September 2023
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